First Post-MCO Hangout

This post is gonna be filled with so much satisfaction and joy because I finally met my bestfriends! despite practically meeting them everyday via whatsapp and social medias, the feeling is not the same man. incomparable. I thought I was gonna left rotting until I finally see them, bc you know, with all the orders and regulations. BUT oh well, Alhamdulillah! we are progressing Malaysian! just make sure to always practice new normal outside!

and of course our choice of place is always The steamboat and grill.

Steamboat and grill is like our thing since forever, istg.
Hungry? Steamboat and grill.
Want to catch up stories while munching on food? Steamboat and grill.
Too many options on where to dine? Steamboat and grill.
Steamboat and grill. Steamboat and grill. Steamboat and grill.
The one that had saved our friendship from endlessly arguing about where to eat. yep.
2015-present. Hahaha

Alyn is still a crack with so much toxicity but hey, she's my bestfriend, I'll take it. (jk I am actually plotting a plan) and Isma is still as mad as she is. phew I am glad they did not turn up into a mess I imagined them to be, I was so worried. Worried that Alyn would drive to my house in jamban slippers (wait, Lol it happened) or Isma with tudung terbalik (Gosh she came wearing Duck scarf y'all.. and she slayed) Indeed, I worried for nothing. 

and to the eating event. Nothing to tell here really, we just ate, gossiped a bit, mengata me a lot, just the usual normal stuff.. and then to Vision Park. it's been so long... *teary eyes* In fact the last time I saw Isma, we went to Vision Park too. The place is as tranquil as it was, beautiful, with less crowd, ofc. the lake still looks placid and glassy, and oh the view of the stunning elegant Masjid, still bewitching to the eyes. haih, so much to describe. and I am so gratified that we went there!

and then towards our total last minute plan to Pantai Bersih. Ok this is going to be embarrassing to admit: I'd never been there.... or maybe I had but was too young to remember (honestly pls I can't accept the fact that I had never stepped my foot there) Therefore, thanks Isma! the breeze of a pantai always never fails to calm me and so this one!

we took lots of pictures and selfies as we watched the sunset by the beach! this is why I always say YES to last minute plan! See for yourself (cuz maybe it's just me, really haha) but but! however the pictures are, we still made good memories there, hihi.

tbh, thanks Snapchat filter lol.
and can't wait until the other three can finally join us


Azlyn said...

the lake was not glassy, it is partly covered by water plants which may block the sunlight from reaching the bottom of the lake and compromising the photosynthesis of aquatic plants which provide food for small fishes...

Isma Ismail said...

You forgot to mention yourself too paan..tudung tebalik lotss of kambing

farhan hasanah said...

@Azlyn there's a reflection there still, welps. alyn pls.

farhan hasanah said...

@Isma Ismail bila masa tudung aku terbalik??! hello kambing tu sapa nak peqabih kalau dak kena caj. dh la dia boh banyak amboi. marah ni. hahahaha