My New Favorite Pastime Now

Have you discovered your new favorite pastime during MCO? I think everyone can at least list one thing we discovered about ourselves, because it's like that to me!

I just knew that I loveeee being inside the pondok, as we call it, and mind my own business alone. It's too warm in the house nowadays. I always wake up in the morning covered in sweat. Don't we all? but that's not my point today.

The message I wanna get across today is, should I feel cold or convenient inside the house, I wouldn't learn how more serene it is outside. It took me a swift second to totally fall in love with the vibe as it's incredibly quiet too. As the MCO is extended, there are less cars on the road, leaving me with only the sound of cicadas, the chattering of the squirrels and the chirping of the birds, which have made me feel so calm and harmonious.

Now my routine is just about the same, to reside here under this old hut after Zuhur,  Asar, Maghrib, and today, right after I performed my Subuh. Dragged my blanket and locked myself outside of the house to read and continue my catnap. and again, I can't describe the tranquility of that moment, being watched by the small cute crescent moon, breathing the scent of the morning air.... phew. 100% would do it again.

Such little thing kan? Not like I'd never spent my time here, but it felt waaaay different, and better? Maybe because I have started to be concerned over how my future me would look back at this day, at me, of what I did, so there would be no regret, only an acknowledgement and appreciation to the time spent brilliantly. There are more in fact, but let's just save that for my future me to see!

Special thanks to Mak and Abah too sebab selalu teman :D we usually hang out together lepas kerja and sembahyang! and below are the pictures I'd taken this morning and evening. (sebab cantik hihi)

The moon! geram.


Isma Ismail said...

Aku teringin nak ada pondok jugakkkk

farhan hasanah said...

@Isma Ismail worth it isma, boleh start cari kayu dah.

ray said...

it's calming and relaxing. the best feeling ever.

farhan hasanah said...

@ray it was! but now the cars are back to the roads -____- so there are roarings of cars everywhere D:

ray said...

yeah. same here too. i miss those peaceful morning when cars aren't around. but since people are starting to go out again, there were cars everywhere.

budakvanilla said...

my mom really wanna build pondok or pangkin kat tepi murah. buat masa sekarang ada macam kerusi panjang kosong je. kekadang BV pun petang selalu baring kat situ sambil sedut udara segar dan tengok langit. memang best feeling tu :D

farhan hasanah said...

@ray me too me too, but I guess it means the world is getting normal again even though I am not sure to what extend.. hu hu u___u

farhan hasanah said...

@BudakVanilla ha ah! segar udara tu yang best tuuuu, dengan angin sepoi2 bahasa~~ sometimes at night selalu tutup semua lampu and reside there pastu imagined that I was back in 1988 somewhere, where there's no phone and laptop and light haha I am glad you enjoy the same thing as me :D

Fahmi said...


farhan hasanah said...

@Fahmi thank you! 😊

Azlyn said...

wow got extra readers. we demand an update what happened to the pondok hahaha.

farhan hasanah said...

@Azlyn shhhhhh, it's fine.

ray said...

Let's just pray and hope for the best. I hope everything will get better soon. stay safe