A month of living ...not so alone.

I am unexpectedly doing good. After the emotional turmoil of ...you know... being away from home, (my previous entry) I am proud to say that I have officially passed that phase. Actually, it's been a while since I found myself enjoying my life now...hihi

The reason why I wrote that I am living ...not so alone is because I have Gee in the house! Even though at times we leave each other to be on our own (read: room), I am still grateful that she's around. if there's someone who always barges into other's room to find comfort; it's me. crashing into her room just so I could lay down and do my stuff... haha what more when she said "I don't mind it" ...girl probably didn't know what she signed up for.

Gee was my high-school friend btw. I honestly didn't remember how we first met because we kinda just became friends one day and I believe Raudatul Azkiya' had a part in it. I probably made friends there more than when I was in my class, really.

so I am living "not so alone" bc I have her. when I feel like going out at night for a drive, she's always up for it! It does feel different when you have a nice friend sitting next to you compared to when you are alone. It's comforting, it's assuring. Both of us are also lazy cooks (for now. because we promised we'd TRY to become rajin) so it kinda adds some points to having a companion for a dinner outside! haha

Although Gee and I have different professions, we still get a lot to talk about. so if I were to tell you if I felt lonely or not, I am definitely not! :D