OMG. 3 Minggu Exam.


In almost 4 years aku dekat irshad, tak pernah sekali pun exam sampai 3weeks straight tsk pmr pun 2weeks je kot TTTTTTTT ok first actually benda tu tak lah teruk sgt in fact bagus jgk bec will get extra time to study tp... 3weeks tu mcm.. lama sgt ugh lama gila!!!! well basically all of us tak sabar nak habis exam tp the moment I realized that there are 3 Monday in the schedule I was like HAH?! ugh hei 3minggu, silalah berlalu dgn pantas. #newbie #form4

oh ya, sekarang dh berlalu satu minggu BUT I still have to sit for 'exam ganti' esok bcs I had 3days off bc of my softball tournament (Alhamdulillah our ponteng was paid off!!! tak rugi korbankan hari periksa yeay!) Second runner-up kot hihi kalau korang tahu acano game softball tu and how we fought with those mssm and sukma players from chinese schools, I bet you would be more impressed!! even I was! still am. See, they couldn't beat us more than 10 homes!!! I am proud as heck yeah.

So I guess, nanti kalau dh masuk uni, ada exam yang sampai dua bulan tu macam manaTT mmg kena adapt dgn keadaan mcm ni ke ya Allah how, paan pls stay strong..

Yep. I can definitely do it. Bye
p/s: I should probably continue to study but I am so hungry now ugh.

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