My Baby Steps

baby steps pebenda, giant steps kot lol

so uhm how do I start this...

there are so many things I would like to tell everybody but given the time and condition, I don't think I could. Life had been busy. I was working part-time (in case you'd be wondering where I was all this time which I believe no one cares other than Isma lmao) working taught me a lot of things. One of 'em that is still impacting my life is

I learned how HARD it is to gain money, myself.
(but still ridiculously spent half of my salary on food)
work, folks.

Now that I've quitted my part-time job, I am currently spending my time with brilliant activities, I tell ya. I don't know what 'brilliant activities' means to you but for me, they are as simple as watching movies, finishing books and also spazzing (but thank God my boys haven't had any comeback yet so I'm free p/s: for a while)

Harry Potter got me back on tracks.

I rewatched all of their movies and is currently reading its third book, Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban. I am proud to tell everyone that my aspect of seeing things is now different. I have a complex-identity, I always think I'm a wizard (wait, I am a wizard!) and can conduct magics. Not like there's anything wrong with that..... ah [point out my wand] "Obliviate!" so you shall not remember this paragraph aha ha ha

Counting days for enrolment.
Sad, excited and afraid.

Sad bec why not? I'm leaving my home, my bed, wifi (penting hokay?) my sisters.. prepare je lah nak. for someone who's always home, I would definitely need extra time to adjust.

anyway, Kun fayakun! it is imminent guys, I'm leaving. Time to get out of my comfort zone and learn things out of the box by d.i.y ahaks long live, dear self!

tajdid your niat and work hard! good luck!


Isma Ismail said...

Ada nama aku laaaa.omggggggg

Isma Ismail said...
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