Adjusting Life

two words - NAK NANGIS.

the end.

that's what I actually felt the first five days I was here.. weird sangat, macam tak boleh nak adjust dah duduk sini. I feel defeated tbh bc gosh I can't believe I am 22 and still act like that huhu therefore, I stopped acting tough and just cried my heart out. like a kid I am.

and I felt sooo relieved after that, and... I finally feel adjusted.

Apart from the fact that I am going to shoulder bigger responsibilities now, I am beyond delighted that I finally met my friends!! my happy!! pills!!! 

pastu apa lagi ek...

oh, school is fun too. I haven't known the kids long enough to talk about them but I hope they are at least adorable and not just ..plain evil. please.

Kakti is still in a happy relationship. I am happy for her.

Kama is still ...a crack. I laugh at every thing she does, the same way she does to me. two idiots, we are.

Hajar.. oh, sorry, including her.. three idiots. 

Syaza.. she's still purring. glad the purr did not change into a roar now. basically, she's the same.

Mira.... just as assertive as she is, with Lai clinging along. What a sight. 

Kak Maine.. now now.. wow. can't tell much, it's a secret but I looove her help. definitely one that makes me feel at home. 

don't wanna part with them, but I absolutely can't wait to graduate. less than a year left! we can do this girls!

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