Japan Trip: The Planning

this is way overdue as I am now safely back in Malaysia after my Japan trip but um, I would still love to write from the start, which was the planning of this all and how it came about. 

there was nothing special about how this was realised, really, but it was impromptu and I'd never even thought of going to Jap- heck, of ever going on a trip pun  ...until that one facetime where Alyn was at the end of the line, proposing, "Jom pergi Jepun?" 

and I laughed over it until I realised she was actually being serious. lmao. and I panicked bc woah, I really wanted to! because you see, at that point I'd never been oversea or rode any airplane, ever, so it was unimaginable for me that that plan was going to come through. so if it ever did happen, it'd be THE many firsts for me. besides, we'd only have two months to plan everything.

but even then, Alhamdulillah it did! happen! I went to Japan. with my best friend.

the hunt for the flight tickets was hell though, at least for me. bc I couldn't stop hoping that we'd get the best deal (=cheap tickets haha) The hunt was done over the course of several days, with the help of my sister who's an avid traveler and Alyn? welp. after dumping the proposal to me, she HAD to leave me on my own for her exam. I was pretty sure she worried more for me than her exam though, because I. was. just being frantic all over. until I finally sealed the deal— the dates and the flight tickets. (big special thanks to Kak Anih!)

Now onto our itinerary.

I had to wait until Alyn wrapped her exam, which by then, a month to go for our trip.
The plan was: Alyn finished exam ---> straight away come to sleepover at my house ---> do itinerary together ---> done!

but this girl ditched me over a date on the day we were supposed to start our itinerary. 
and I rolled my eyes, real hard. I believe I cried and did the dramatic "WHYYYYY?? HOW COULD CHU DO THIS TO MEEEE??? *sobs uncontrollably*" too? :P

bc pls, at one month to go, we hadn't done anything. hotels, what day at which region, necessary advanced tickets— none shshjhd so when Alyn came, we worked our fingers to the bones for our itinerary. pls, even deciding which days at which region pun pening haha and we Had to write the details down for fear of getting the dates wrong. 

 looking at it now pun tak faham. hshshhs

getting through our day-by-day itinerary was such a hassle. nevertheless it was such a fun experience for me,  even with all the little fights and laughs over our stupidity (most of it was Alyn's :P) haha

and after the sleepover, Alhamdulillah everything was set! All we had to do was wait. and for me it felt like someone had removed a huge stone from my back as I got to go to school ...happier than ever.
I'll continue in my next post for my Day 1 - USJ if I rajin wkwkwkwk and 
and I will. be. rajin ðŸ˜¤ sbb I am still excited to write about it! (for now) lol

On this, the budgets were:
Accommodations: RM910 (for both of us, at three different stays)
Flight tickets: Scoot Airlines - transit @ SG. RM1.2k + RM400++ (luggage) each

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