All My Birthdays

things I recall on my birthday. 

I came from a family who didnt really celebrate birthdays and we never cared to even ask why. till now pun idc much. that's why im BAD at other people's birthdays as well as my own😔 I think the earliest memory of me celebrating birthday was when I was 16, which was *gasp* 9 years ago.. (omg what?!?) 

it was when I baked my first cheesecake for my girls and they LOVED it (idk if they were just being nice bc I was the birthday girl kan, but hihi sumpah it was still the best cheesecake I'd ever had too *smug face*) and their praises were enough to get me so conceited and proud as a peacock to bake it the second time for my family ..only for it to be so below average lol

then I got to my 18th, uwu. I remember being grandly pranked by my housemates to which I really had NO idea at all. sly bi***, uhhh, thank you.

and then 19, pranked by someone who knew me too wellㅡ elle sharmaine hani🥹 she knew by then I loved getting wishes. so she secretly messaged everyone not to wish me. cunning. bet she knew how I was expecting them to the point where I would embarrassingly ask my friends to guess what day it was.........

in which i actually did😭 

I asked almost everyone and nobody gave me the answer I wanted to hear😭 I thought if I were persistent enough, someone would actually scream "YOUR BIRTHDAY!?!?" and I would say "Yes!!! HEHE" 

but no... what I had was a bunch of friends who guessed every kind of days EXCEPT my birthday😂 (especially you, Alia) wei I was so frustrated I ended up telling Alia "harini birthday aku..."  to which she nonchalantly replied, "ha-ha ok? Happy birthday?" (kak maine shouldve awarded her a trophy sumpah) 

it was so funny and disappointing at the same time😂 

but then there it was, my surprised birthday song by my classmates at the end of our class. shocked, thankful (and embarrassed) thank God the day didn't end with me starting my diary with how I was surrounded by fake friends. phew.

by the next next birthday I was already a pro at seeing clues and signs of my birthday pranks. therefore every prank after that was a fail, be from my family or my friends (born bijak mcm ni la haha astaghfirullah gurau) but I cherished every moment of it the same! hihi

pastu last year! got lotsa presents too (2 hadiah is a lot for me ya) walaupun I bukan jenis kisah sangat pasal hadiah, or anything related to birthdays like pls, I lost the first friendship bracelet alyn gave me when we were 16? 17? Wait.. 15?!? T____T

and then this year!!! happy 25th *gags* birthday farhan hasanah! Alhamdulillah I had a blast today, too. I guess if you, too, wanna make my day, wish me now before the clock strikes 12? hahaha classic hasanah, selfish and demanding with her main-character syndrome. 

hmm for my birthday, my cliche wish would be the things I pray for everyday kot haha boleh dak lagutu? the not-so-cliche one is for everyone who reads this to have his/her wishes granted! (mcm cliche jugak je hahaha)

ah whatever, im just grateful. bye.

just bringing my own quote back lmao

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