My loyal, lovely watch.

My loyal, lovely watch. It's nothing fancy, you can even see the rust from the picture. but it's exquisite!

I bought this watch at a very cheap price from our local kedai, our frequent clock shop since I was little, and I have bought at least 3 watches there as I grow up. We watch the seller grows old, basically. An honest chinese man, probably in his 50s now.

aaaand.. that is why this watch is special. It is the epitome of my personality! I can't lose it. I would never want to and I hope I don't. As an avid minimalist, I always feel that it's enough for me to own just one watch my entire life, as long as it works. however, I had previously owned 4-5 watches and you might want to wonder why and what happened to my minimalist idea. (as someone who claims herself as one. rolls eyes)

here is the answer.

I have many bad traits- one of them is forgetting where I place my things and stuff. like, I could be putting my precious purse on the seat next to me, initially just for three seconds and end up realising I do not have it in my bag after I went home. That's how it has always been with my stuff, be it the biggest thing like my phone!

and yes, there goes all my entire watches that I lost. one of them was left in RnR somewhere, another one lost in surau ipba... hahaha ha...

thus, my current watch. many times I had lost my hope over this watch because I always, always forget to pick it up after placing it somewhere.

but every single time it happens, this lovely watch always makes its way back to me! I have left it in so many places, you name it. in the toilet, in surau ipba (again, tapi tak hilang), rumah sedara, everywhere! but it always always makes its way home, wrapped around my wrist in the end!

I love it. I love her. This watch is one of the few things that always reminds me how bad that trait is, and what I do to improve. Therefore, I don't plan on losing it anytime soon. I hope I don't. 


Isma Ismail said...

i lost my first ever digital watch that to me freaking expensive at surau sekolah kita like???? after that i bought new and it stays with me for almost 6 years already fuhh Alhamdulillah

farhan hasanah said...

@Isma Ismail Tu la, first watch i bought lepas spm hilang kat surau jugak. gapolah mencuri kat surau hmmph😤 tapi sapa suroh lupo. pray that this watch stays with me till the end:<

Tqa London said...

I am not forgetful but I always forgot where I put my watch. I got so frustrated about losing it for countless of times that I decided not to wear any for the last 5 years. I was thinking of getting an iWatch but I keep rethinking about it because I don't want to lose that want. Mahu menggelupur kalau jam yang tu hilang, rasa macam kena rompak dengan kebodohan diri sendiri hahahaha

farhan hasanah said...

@Tqa London At least jam je haha kita ni semua barang mcm tu stress kadang mcm nk gila sbb selalu lupa. Hahah iWatch kot!!! nangis air mata darah! Jxjdjdh but if you could afford it the second time why not😋😋😋