2018 in conclusion

(I know there are 5 days more before we step into the new year but I'm pretty sure I am going to be busy by then bc back to Ipba... well)

2018 had been a good year for me, like real good, Alhamdulillah. if you have ever hurt me, don't worry! I'd probably forgiven you! (sbb tak significant, tak ingat. wek) (tbh I don't really cry over random people, it was mostly bc of exo or when I suddenly miss my family uhu)

btw, I would name this year as - A Step. (See? I've been living for 20years now and it's only been a step. ONE. smh farhan hasanah (but it could be because im just bad at naming things, or year here lmao)

I think Ramadhan this year was absolutely beautiful and meaningful. Other than what I've told in my previous post, (click here to read) my siblings and I ventured into- business (my bro's) and anyone could tell I disliked being a part of it, at first. but seeing my siblings' enthusiasm actually made me blend in. A lot of experiences I gained there.

and no, I still don't like it but not as much as before anymore! I started my own massage counter remember? That, I believe bc of this impact haha (so that's the step)

and then to meeting EXO! first time! (another step here) Never been so happier than that day. This, ladies and gentlemen, is the highlight of my 2018! meeting my boys and actually watching them perform right before my eyes, touching the barricade. What a bliss. 

also, 2018 is the year I gained a bit of confidence in my writing. It's not that it's great, but at least now is better than the 19 year-old me's writing. got lots of online mutuals in the process too, I am very very glad.
also in my urut! thanks to kakti, kama and kak maine! if not because of their hype and support... I wouldn't get to taste my own hard-earned money.

about my study, well... does being a script-writer count? haha and lastly,

to all the people who made my year 2018 This memorable, thank you! (or didn't make, for eg: kem unit beruniform lol) even though i love learning about ikatan!!!!! until when I tried applying it in reali life and omeone really just came to tell me


uhm k :c baru semangat.

....now into 2019! whoops I am going to be a year older..... whatever. there are still stuff about me that 2018 hasn't beat- my fear towards commitment, how I cope with laziness and ill feelings towards certain people, and a loooot more. I hope I could improve on those. Gonna leave them to 2019!

last but not least, I wish nothing but goodness to me and everyone around me. thank you!


Isma Ismail said...

hohohohohoho, ok taktau nak kata apa,but im happy for you..dapat capai apa yang kau nak,moga terus success teacherr annaaaa

farhan hasanah said...

@Isma Ismail hang ni kan, kat sini boleh pulak panggil aku anna, geram akuuuuu hahahahahagddwuhd

Gen Y girl said...

Alhamdulillah happy for you. Semoga 2019 ni banyak lagi kebaikan untuk you. May Allah grant you all your heart's desires dear. Happy new year!