Do what the doctors say

when I tell you to just do what the doctor says, do it!!!!! don't act a genius, don't go against them, if they say something that hurt you, instead of sighing to them, understand that you lack something which they don't, apologise to them and promise to follow whatever they say, they are doctors, and you.. you are not.

(Ok the last few sentences are obviously meme I took from twitter)


my shoulder is the walking example of what could happen if you don't listen to them.... it's still so painful every now and then.. this is why. if my child ever do what I did, imma pull his or her sideburns- both sides!!! (mak where were you at that time...)

so first, imma flaunt myself- I was a fighter. long story short, I injured my shoulder in a softball game when I slid past the catcher and she butchered me in an attempt to tag me out at home plate (THE UMPIRE CALLED SAFEEEE - ONE POINT TO GRYFINDORRRR)

and by the time I realised I was already on the way to the hospital. lol. 

which I didn't understand why... bc I was fine though... except my shoulder....?

I knew exactly where that was going, the doctor was surely gonna refrain me from playing the next day, which was also the last day of the tournament. unacceptable!!! bc hello? I was one of the important players! (flips hair, I was the catcher) and so, I was very determined that whatever this doctor was gonna say, I was definitely going to go against him.

yes him. bc I remember he was bald lol. so the whole time he was checking my shoulder I told him I was okay, and asked him to allow me to play.

I shouldn't have done this but bc I am (self-claim) honest, I begged him to tell me it's okay. and when he didn't, I told him he was wrong (the audacity)

The whole session I argued with him that I knew myself and what my shoulder was capable of (bullsh*t) and please y'all he was so frustrated, he told me "kamu rasa kenapa kepala saya botak??? saya kata kamu tak boleh main!"

I was like *hold my tears* SO WHAT???????? (dalam hati)

....ok doctor you were lucky my teacher was with me, or else /rolls up sleeves/ I will... eeeeee..... (I know I sounded dumb but please I was 16)

so you know I had to go back wearing the arm sling.... and my stubborn self... really took it out right after my teacher dropped me. idk what went on my mind (but uhhh so wild 16-year-old farhan hasanah!) if I hadn't done that this pain wouldn't have obscured me forever. and even wilder, the next day I still played... I mean ofc my coach was on the doc's side.. but I still played when my friends were training. istg it was actually painful but I was a good (and stupid) actress....

hope that gives you a lesson bc really... you don't want to go against them, ever! the next time I ever meet that doctor I'll apologize... bc indeed, you are bald for a reason *cries in a shoulder-crack language*


Azlyn said...

lol nak gelak for the bald reason but you are hurting rn i’m not gonna repeat the same mistake so speedy recovery sis!🏈🤟🏼

farhan hasanah said...

i hate that i understand this. pls im not dying -__- and that's a rugby ball smh when will you ever learn

Azlyn said...

lolll tersilap🎾 aku tau lah tak ingat ka aku masuk kelab softball dulu😑 rugby sbb aku ingat hg pakai besi kat muka jadi catcher rugby kan pakai gutu gak😑

Isma Ismail said...

Cannot roll up sleeves siss.. Auratt hahahhahahahahahaha

Isma Ismail said...

Tu bola tennis la alyn ⚾ ni softball😅kaa sama jaa bola tennis dgn softball???

Isma Ismail said...

Tu bola tennis la alyn ⚾ ni softball😅kaa sama jaa bola tennis dgn softball???