Sem Break

holla everyone! how's your day? mine is ...alhamdulillah excellent! Just having another chance to live today make me so grateful and happy. I had few goals in my mind before I went home this break and one of them was to get a part-time job. Alhamdulillah this was rather easy so yeah landed myself a job almost immediately after I went home.. and the best thing is.. my day off is on Monday! How brilliant? and bc my boss is my bro so like...

it's good to have a say on everything you are asked to do. for example of when exo had their broadcast last night and I asked him to come straight after his work so I could go home early or when you want your day off, or when you want to eat, you just order. lmao my working ethics but hey I have never had my day off yet so 10points for me haha truthfully it was tiring to see my bro, idk why he had to choose this career when he already has a very stable job (but nah imma pretend I understand and bc he just likes Business) but what I don't understand is probably the way he turned down so many great offers from overseas so that he could take care of his business (bc hello you can hand it down to me?? LOL) but as a good and obedient little sister who probably has no significant in his life, I am going to support him.

and! second goal was picking up my reading. I used to read a lot when I was 17 so I bought lots of books and until today, 3 years later, I still haven't finished most of them.. typical fake enthusiastic girl haha (and bc I am more caught up with fanfics online which Is So Good Y'all really won't have any idea if you never read them) so uhm proud to say I have read two books this entire break..?

I had so many other goals but I don't think it's ever worth mentioning bc it's just things lads usually do in the house with family which I am so grateful for (until farhan hanis had to barged into my room and annoy me EVERY SINGLE SECOND and so I asked her to compensate it by treating me. always work) and I have the whole room to Myself...... bc farhan husna is currently away from home... super great. but not great realising you have less people treating you food bc farhan hanisah is also away :/ and aurora my niece!!!!! my sem break is definitely brighter bc of her haha

This is how my sem break is! and needless to say... exo too.... uhm nevermind......

(ha folks You Thought!)



Isma Ismail said...

Let your brother read this!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Hanis said...

Waaa sem break goals accomplished...btw boleh tak curah sikit vibe penulisan tu bagi kat aku ��

farhan hasanah said...

are you sure bc the last time i read your blog i felt sooooo good and calm and struck😍

farhan hasanah said...


Azlyn said...

been waiting for your next writing. you reading goal is really inspiring...hmm

farhan hasanah said...

@Ichiy Hara two books.. are you really