MyTown Date with Alyn

well, here we go again.

mytown mytown mytown..... when will Alyn and I ever grow up... like there's really no other place for us other than malls but whatever (rolls eyes) im gonna save this for another post.

*clears throat*

we were apart for a month so of course we I was all giddy and excited bc I missed her so much! (to slap her when I laugh out loud)

and oh oh! before we walk down the cheesy lane of my appreciative words to her, let me congratulate her for getting the first prize for her group research presentation they conducted in Russia! Alhamdulillah.

now back to the main event.

so this was our first meeting after she came back from Russia and even though I shouldn't have been expecting things from her (bc honestly her whole existence is enough for me), but still,

I was expecting things from her. hahaha

(but seriously though, I don't mind. I've told her before when we were? 16? that she could get me a rock and I'd still appreciate it)

but lmaoooooo who was I kidding... I went back with so many things she got me from Russia and I went (soft-eyes emoji)....

I love everything you got me Alyn, I am sure sfs would too.

and as if all of those were not enough... she got me a peripera lipstick as my early birthday present! ugh. how do I beat her now guys???? comment your ideas.

we then filled up our day by watching fast and furious aand omg we like it so much. highly recommended! Alyn couldn't keep her ass on the seat bc it was very thrilling and exhilarating!

I was like


I also sat her down at the end of the movie bc I knew there was gonna be end-credits and holy, she really thought that was something only a genius could think of. like.. that's basic.

now to the most awaited event.

I finally had a hold of City Lights album Alyn bought for me. You know how she surprised me? she really pulled a "I already paid for it" word like a bomb. she Did That.

I was furious. Very. Furious. but it's always the thought that counts. I am more grateful than happy. This album now holds a lot more meaning than just being the album of my ultimate bias of 7 years. and I am glad Alyn is a part of it. I can't tell how much I really appreciate this. Oh alexa, maybe I teared up.

like look at it...

It is so elegantTT

Now time to walk on the cheesy lane, you guys may skip lol


when we first knew each other in 2008, I swear to God that I had in my mind that I wanted to be your friend. you might don't remember this and you might think I am exaggerating, but I was so excited when we sat next to each other for the first time the same year. you know how I was always absent those years in sekolah arab...because I didn't have friends?

and seeing you having a physical fight with the boys had made me secretly wished that I was as sociable. honestly, I thought you were cool.

Therefore, my second attempt (I don't think it's an attempt, I just felt like it) was praising you in the mosque and even though you boastfully replied me (a foreshadow lol) I still didn't feel annoyed. 

Unfortunately, I preferred watching Dora than attending classes haha or we would have been good friends earlier.

but Allah's plan is always better. 

I recognized you instantly when I  first saw you shivering in front of our class in 2011! Yep! Like 'oh look, it's the same person I wanted to be a friend with three years ago!'

and like a knight in shining armor, I helped you and we became desk mates.

Fast forward to today, we are still the same young crackheads of when we first comfortably talked to each other.

All praises to Allah, The Almighty, The Best Planner of all.

okay alexa play been through by exo.

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