


uh... this is awkward. 

I was supposed to write about the final few days I spent with my housemates before we bid our farewell MONTHS AGO... but.... I came home and was too caught up with my own sadness that I... now... have no will to do so anymore. yeah, it be like that sometimes.

I write best when I am excited and that's why I tend to write a lot after drinking my coffee as that's when I feel high to work my fingers out to type about anything!

However nowadays, not even the coffee could excite me. I... 

It's not like I dislike being home but... you see, I love it. and that's the problem. I love it too much that I have become so comfortable being in this safe bubble without stepping out of my comfort zone to learn something.

and I feel pathetic.

and it's not like I didn't try either!

All the things I enjoy doing like writing, reading, listening to podcast have turned dull to me and every time I gathered new resolve to start something, I find myself crawling back to the corner where gloominess, sadness are around. It's tiring. I could tell you all the things I have bought as a revolution to this circle of negativity but it always just ...that. That. It just stopped. Even writing here today took a lot for me to finally do it. I had at least two drafts I deleted because halfway, I didn't feel like it.

I guess writing every thing down today is also a way for me to start anew? 
I mean, do I want to change? yes? 
but will I change? we'll see. hahaha

but at least I finished writing here today so that's one assurance for you that I will finally get back on my feet to make everything exciting for me, again.

How about you?


thes said...

i can actually relate to you... it's been almost two years since i'm home after finishing my diploma. one year later i got the offer to continue my degree, but then covid-19 happened... for me, home is always a 'comfort place' where i can relax my mind but when i start having the online classes, it's no longer a comfort place.. im praying for the situation to get better soon

farhan hasanah said...

@thes aw:( may you have another opportunity for that aamiin. and yes!! hope the situation is gonna get better for all of us!! T-T