am I THE Picasso Jr?

One day when I tried to draw on the whiteboard, I heard one student shouting "Miss, what's that?" to which I replied "Oh you wait. I haven't finished, you gotta guess later" and I continued gliding my hands on the whiteboard, drawing, like the Picasso I thought I was.

10 seconds... 20 seconds... 30 seconds... two minutes.....


"Now can you guess?" I asked proudly. 

I felt that that was an excellent piece of work for someone who can't draw— Picasso Jr. hihi. so I turned around and waited patiently as they squirmed their eyes trying to match my drawing to the words registered in their head.

"Ruler!" I smirked. Correct.
"Table!" I clapped. Correct.

and so on.. and so on...

until they went...

"Miss," they laughed sneakily and continued, "what's that?" pointing at the bag I drew. "It's.." and then I thought... 'isn't it THEIR job to guess?' so I went "Well, YOU guess?

...but they seemed genuinely didn't know that I had to reanalyze my drawing because... they cannot Not know a bag...? Okay, alright, maybe it's my drawing. Sorry kids, I am only a Picasso Junior after all.

and so I broke it to them, "It's a bag", and some of them were nice they went "Oh!" but some of them were not-so-nice they squirmed their eyes again trying to scan that One drawing of mine that I had to even explain "Can't you see? This is the strap.... this is the pocket.." 

and that's how my English classroom turns into an anatomy class of ..a bag. 

Picasso Jr. my ass.

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